Set in a small town this gently-absurd, comedic short tells the story of a hapless inventor, Ernest Hopewell, whose failure to create the antidote to sorrow sets in motion a magical alchemy for joy.
Produced and Directed by: Kathi Carey
Produced and Written by: Sasha Carrera
Starring: James Patrick Stuart, Steve Tom, Sasha Carrera
WorldFest, Houston Platinum Remi Award for Comedic Short, IndieFest Award of Excellence, Rochester Int’l Film Fest award for Best Short
"Dear Kathi...I am delighted to be sending you this personal note and my special congratulations on your brilliant entry MR. HOPEWELL'S REMEDY ... It will win a Remi Award" ... Hunter Todd, Festival Director
"it's so sweet...shot beautifully. good acting. congrats!!!!" Mary Lou Belli, multi-Emmy-award-winning Director